“A Peaceable Kingdom”

Sunday, April 28th from 2pm-3pm 

As part of the Rhode Island Cemeteries Awareness & Preservation Weeks, River Bend Cemetery hosted “A Peaceable Kingdom,” a walking tour presented by the Babcock-Smith House Museum. The tour covered a small section of the picturesque cemetery where the lions lie down with the lambs while angels watch over them. Guides from the museum introduced a variety of monuments, most of them made by talented craftsmen right in Westerly from local Westerly granite, including detailed information about their design and construction. Some of the renowned artists’ work shown on the tour included Columbus Zerbarini, John DeRocchi, and Joseph Gervasini just to name a few. Local stone carvers Karin Sprague and Tracy Mahaffey were also in attendance answering questions and providing their unique insight into these beautiful works of art. 

Greg Howard